
I’m a Cat Lover

This is MARUUU! This is cutie bundle of plumes from Japan and I really in love with him. As I watched Maru’s channel on YouTube (mogumogu), I’m wishing I could go to Japan and touch him and if it’s possible, I would kidnap him hehehe xD
His breeds is Scottish Fold. He’s attractive and likes to play. He loves boxes and holes. Whenever he saw a box or a hole, he would fit into it. Can you imagine how cute it is. AAAAA! Someone, bring me to  him, or bring him to meeeeee.
If I met him, I would cuddle him, squeeze him, anything to show that I really wanted him *I’m crazy of Maru*

Actually I have my own cats in Jakarta. Their names are Kukie(Blue Russian) and Milos(Persian). They are also as cute as Maru. But now I live in Malaysia and I don’t have any pet here. I was thinking to buy a cat. But due to college stuffs *assignments* and the costs of treatments if I have a cat, I’m afraid I cannot fulfill them.

I love CATS anyway!

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